Mission and Values

Our Mission

We exist to join with God in pursuit of the "one" to see lives transformed by Jesus

Our Values

Seeing Christ as Lord of All
Seeing Christ as Lord of All

As a community of believers, we desire to exalt Christ in our daily lives and corporately as a covenant body.

Conforming to Christ Together
Conforming to Christ Together

As followers of Jesus, we desire to strive towards holiness together

Compassionate for the One
Compassionate for the "One"

As recipients of God’s grace, we desire to show compassion and hospitality to those in need of hope.

Authentic and Attractive Relationships
Authentic and Attractive Relationships

As a family of faith, we desire to reflect the gospel in our relationships with one another and present a magnetic fellowship to the watching world.

Open-Handed, Kingdom Focused
Open-Handed, Kingdom Focused

As members of God’s kingdom, we desire to focus on building His kingdom and not our own.